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Question One:
I am enrolled at GNSHS and want to audition for a TS production and /or join stage crew!
....but how in the world do I do this?!?
Answer One:
Please contact Ilana Meredith at or at
to learn more about auditions and/or how to get involved in any way with TS. She can also be found throughout the day in the GP Room. There is a Theatre South Google Classroom page that you will be signed up for.
If you have any questions specific to stage crew, please contact Matt Rosenberg at
Question Two:
How do I audition for the school Improv Troupe?
Answer Two:
Auditions are usually held in mid to late September of each school year. You will hear announcements about it on the PA system as well as see signs hanging in the hallway.
You can also contact Ms. Meredith to learn more, or reach out to the troupe captains, Anishka Arolkar & Jessica Tamari. If you missed auditions, I still highly recommend you checking out our performances in the winter and spring.
Furthermore, you can always take an improv class during the day for an arts credit!
Question Three:
I have never been in a TS Production, but I would love to perform a song / dance / poem / magic act at Coffee House. Can I do this?
Answer Three:
Yes! ...but space is limited, so make sure you sign up for Coffee House when the announcements start being made. Furthermore, your material must be approved by Ms. Meredith.
Question Four:
What if I don't have enough time to commit to a school show, but I just love being around the theatre world?
Answer Four:
No worries! If you feel being in the show or on running stage crew (crew that is required to be at all final rehearsals and performances) is too much for your schedule, then think about getting involved by:
a. Joining a crew that does not require you to be there on a regular basis. Example: You can always help paint the set, build props, organize / sew costumes, etc...
b. Volunteering for all or some of the performances by being an usher, working at the concession stand, or box office.
Question Five:
I love drama! Well, not the bad kind of drama, but the good kind - jazz hands! I am not involved in TS, but want to take classes during the day. Can I do that?
Answer Five:
Yes! Anyone can sign up for performing arts / public speaking classes if your schedule allows for it. In fact, you need one full arts credit to graduate. Please check out the classes section on this website to learn more.
Furthermore, if you do want a live theatrical experience, sign up for the Theatre Production class in the spring, where we put together and perform a show for third grade students!
We also offer classes in acting, directing, improv, public speaking, stagecraft, etc....
Question Six:
I would love to direct a One-Act play in my Senior Year. How do I do that?
Answer Six:
Please make sure you have enrolled in the Directing Class as well as Theatre History (each class alternates every other year) during the school day. You must also be involved in TS productions throughout your years either as an actor, crew member, or both.
Only then can you apply to become a director of a show in your senior year. Assistant Directors are chosen by the students and then approved by Ms. Meredith. ADs are Juniors or Seniors.
Question Seven:
I am currently in a TS show and have no idea what my rehearsal schedule is! How can I find out?
Answer Seven:
What?! Please don't say that.
....but, with that said, please make certain you are signed up on both the Theatre South Google Classroom page (for general info.) and also the specific Google Classroom page for any given production you are in. Make sure your alerts are turned on, as there will be multiple postings about rehearsals, costume fittings, performances, etc...
I also post all schedules on the bulletin board outside of the GP Room.
Question Eight:
Are there any ghosts or perhaps a portal to the Upside Down in the prop room?
Answer Eight:
Not certain, so just make sure you are listening to your favorite Broadway musical if you decide to venture there.
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