Please help to support Theatre South by donating to our program! Here are a variety of ways to do so.
1. You can always purchase an ad in our Playbill for either one or all three of our mainstage productions. This is always a great option for friends & family who want to congratulate actors & stage crew members in a production. This is also a good way to advertise for a local business. To learn more, please click on the DocX Word icon.
To see examples of ads in a former playbill, please visit:
2. You could always mail in a financial donation to the address listed at the bottom of this page and in the contacts section. Furthermore, when we sell tickets to a performance online, there is a donations section you can directly contribute to.
3. If you have any vintage clothing (in good condition), accessories, or furniture pieces / props that might be able to be used in variety of shows, please contact Ms. Ilana Meredith to see if we could use it.